Friday, November 19, 2010

I just found out that I get to be a part of this year's

Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert


This will be the third year that I get to be a part of this and I am so excited!

Here are some pics from last year's concert

And 1 pic of the year before.
(I'm in it, I swear! Look at the bottom left.)

See, I'm right there!

It is pretty thrilling standing in front of 12,000 people. I can't wait!


  1. If you get tickets again, I want to come! After all, I am your sister!

  2. Wish I could come to support you! I LOVE the Christmas concerts they have there! Who's that kid at the top? I must be getting old if he's really famous and I don't know who he is lol!
    Good luck! Post pictures of the concerts when they're done!

  3. David Archuleta. He was the American Idol runner-up a couple of years ago. He is also lds and from Utah.
