It happened. I blinked and Kel turned 1.
She took her first steps.
She took her first steps.
She stands all by herself.
She points at things and says "dat".
She loves climbing things.
She blows kisses.
She gives high-fives.
I think her eyes are hazel.
Russ thinks they are brown.
She still loves the water.
She loved watching the seals at the zoo.
She loved spending 5 days with her Kimball cousins.
She smashed her first cake.
She ate her first peanut butter sandwich.
She loves to be outside. We can't wait for summer!
She's starting to throw little temper tantrums.
She has 3 teeth on top and 4 on the bottom.
She love to play with friends her own age.
She has the best giggle!
I love my little toddler. It amazes me how she learns something new everyday.
We are so incredibly blessed to have her here. I can't imagine what life would be like without her.
She love to play with friends her own age.
She has the best giggle!
I love my little toddler. It amazes me how she learns something new everyday.
We are so incredibly blessed to have her here. I can't imagine what life would be like without her.
Sounds like she is absolutely awesome, as we all knew she would be! Happy birthday, Kel!