Monday, June 11, 2012

Blessing Day

What a special day.
Keladry was blessed by her daddy on
June 3, 2012
in our home ward, The Old Mill Ward.
She was blessed in the dress and moccasins that I wore on my blessing day.
Russ was joined in the circle by
Grandpa Howard
Grandpa Sorenson
Uncle Jesse
Uncle Gary
Uncle Phil
Uncle Remington
Uncle Randy
Uncle Don
Uncle Ron
Uncle Nelson
Cousin Josh
Cousin Jared
Cousin Jon
Jake Riley
Bishop Dow
(So many!)

Kel was such a happy girl that morning and was talking and kicking so much that I couldn't tie her shoes without help from daddy.
She was so quiet during her blessing and spent the rest of Sacrament Meeting being held by her
Aunt Amy, Aunt Lynn, and Great Grandma Howard.
Russ and I both bore our testimonies as well as Grandpa Howard, Cousin JD, and Cousin Elease.
While I was speaking, Amy held Kel up so I could see her.  I swear she was looking right at me.  It was very touching.

After the meeting we went to my mom and dad's house for yummy food. 
Kel spent the day being passed from person to person.

Keladry Hope is so blessed to have so many people who love her.
Thanks to all those who drove to Heber to spend this special day with us.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful dress, and how special that it was the same one you wore! I so wish we could have been there that day. Love you all xx
