Saturday, March 26, 2011

Holi Festival or The Festival of Colors

russell, sam, mike and i went to the holi festival at the krishna temple in spanish fork.
it was an absolute blast!!! i think i will just let the pictures speak for themselves.

fresh faced and not knowing quite what to expect

this was after our first attack.
we hadn't even bought powder to fight back with.
love the blue eye though

russ actually did that to himself.
it looked awesome though!

zombie russell

my hair

after one of many powder fights

we're in there somewhere

tossing bags of colored powder

trying not to breath in too much dust

way too much fun!
throwing handfuls of chalk at total strangers was a riot!
i will definitely be attending next year.
want to come?
hopefully it will be warmer {it is a spring festival, after all.}


  1. so much fun!!! I wanna go, I wanna go!!!

  2. Maybe we'll have to have a color fight the next time we are together!
