9 month stats:
15 lbs 6th%
27 inches 35th%
She cruises around the furniture.
She can go from crawling to sitting up all by herself.
She loves to play peek-a-boo.
She loves-loves-loves bathtime.
She has 2 bottom teeth.
She had her first ear infection.
She got totally spoiled for her first Christmas.
She finally sleeping through the whole night. (No more night time bottles-yay!)
She says Hi, Dad, Yeah, and Yay. Still working on Mama.
She still won't hold still for even a minute, which makes things like trimming nails, getting dressed, and changing diapers incredibly difficult.
Still smiles, laughs, and giggles all the time. Even when she is sick!
She love Sesame Street.
She loves books.
She loves to eat what mom and dad eat.
She is very good at sharing. When I go in to her room in the morning, she will pull her binky out of her mouth and try to put it in mine.
She loves to drop things just to make mom and dad pick them up...over and over.
She gives big sloppy kisses.
She's definitely my little angel. Her 9 month appointment with Dr. Dave was great. He said she is happy, healthy, and right on track. He also loves how animated she is - "She's like a little cartoon!"
Kel amazes me everyday. I still can't believe some of the things she can do. Yesterday morning, Russ went into get her our of her crib she looked at him and said "Hi dad!" I think it may have melted his heart, just a little bit.