Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas to Me!

Russ and I came home last night to find
a big, huge box on our doorstep. 

This was inside! 

My glider!
I LOVE it!
(I was a little nervous having ordered it online before seeing it in person.)
Now that all of the furnature is here, I can concentrate on decorating.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Cutting the Cake

This is how we announced to my family what we are having.


I can't believe Keladry is already getting presents!
Here is a look at just some of the
gifts we have received.

My diaper bag
from GiGi Howard

Cute Cute Shoes
from GiGi Howard

Socks and a Turkey Puppet
from Aunt Amy

Outfit and Bib
from Noelle

Onesies and Socks
from GiGi Howard

VW Shirt
from Cousin Aspen

from my cute piano students

I'm still in shock that this is happening to us.  I haven't been able to put anything away because I love looking at it.  The room that I have called a "someday nursery" for 9 years is actually the nursery now.  Thank you to everyone for helping me fill it!

Friday, December 9, 2011

What To Do?

Per Doctor's orders (or a very strong suggestion) my last day of work will be next week.  Though I'm not exactly ready to stop working, I know that my body is.  The question I have is, what will I do for 3 months?  I'm getting a lot of responses like sleep, relax, read...but honestly, who could do just that for 3 months without going completely insane?  I do like the idea of learning to knit (know anyone who can teach me?) or picking up some other really super cool hobby (Suggestions?), and I know I will be working on a few crafts for the decorating of Kel's nursery.  I'm also bringing my old upright here so I can re-tune my piano skills (It's amazing how much you can lose in a year when you don't play everyday.) and I figure I can pull out my flute and guitar, too.   I'm also really hoping that super clean everything nesting instinct kicks in sooner than later.

So, think of me sitting here.  
All alone.  
Waiting for the phone to ring.  
For someone to ask me to play.  
Or babysit.  
Or go out to lunch.  
Or something!  