Sunday, December 19, 2010


the last 3 weeks have been extremely eventful.
i am beyond was worth it.

winter sun 10k

the weather was perfect...the company was the best...
i finished in 1:12...
and ran all but a half a mile.
it made me excited to start running again.
i see a half marathon in my future.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert

This last week I was fortunate enough to be a part of this AMAZING concert. It stole much of my time and energy but was totally worth it. David Archuleta was amazing as was Michael York.

After the "mini concert" on Sunday Richard Elliot performed his organ solo just for us. He was amazing!

Waiting to watch the dancers that we couldn't see on stage

In front of the stage

David wooing us all


Michael York

The first time we walked out on stage the audience started applauding. We soon realized the applause was for these guys, not us. :)





Friday, December 3, 2010

on my way to run and run and run

(and walk a lot i'm sure)

the weather is to be a balmy 56 degrees

my shoes fit so i shouldn't lose any toenails this year

i haven't trained at all since august due to injury

so i'm just out to have fun

see you at the finish line